Breeding for us means passion, means time and dedication to nature.
Our breeding was recently expanded.
In addition to the typical pigs of the Ferrara area, which we breed for over 20 years, there are donkeys, calves, horses, sheep and lambs foddering with the best raw materials in the area to create products such as Somarino with Polenta, grilled meat, Pinzini (prepared even without flour suitable for celiac diseases) with mixed meats, Salama da Sugo with winter mashed potatoes or by the slice with summer melon, Voghiera garlic sausage, Gentile salami, summer coppa, head-coppa, and farming ham but also sheep cheeses.
Breeding does not end here, a fantastic fenced pond hosts ducks, geese, chickens and guinea fowl to the
delight of adults and young people..
Breeding for us means passion, time and dedication to nature.
During your stays it is possible to visit our agricultural farmhouse.
Fill in the following form and one of our managers will contact you as soon as possible